Online and mail in registrations are now closed. Weekend and day-rate
registrations will be available at the door.
Membership rates for the convention are as follows:
- $40 regular membership at the door
- Children 12 years and under: free
- $20 Friday Day badge at the door
- $30 Saturday Day badge at the door
- $20 Saturday Concert-only badge at the door
- $15 Sunday Day badge at the door
We are pleased to have the following find folks joining us for this
fabulous fun weekend! Members marked with a (*) have chosen to join us
for our Saturday Brunch!
! of Pondside *
Aaron Davies *
Algeh *
Allegra Sloman
Alice Adams
Alisa Garcia *
Amy Ahonen *
Andrew Nisbet III
Angelica Sather Hodgetts
Anne Stewart *
Athrylis Sather Hodgetts
Autumn O'Leary
Betsy Tinney
Big Bob Crichton *
Bill Laubenheimer *
Blind Lemming Chiffon
Brooke Lunderville *
Callie Hills *
Capt. Terranova
Carole Parker *
Cecilia A. Eng
Char MacKay
Cheryl *
Christy Reed
Claudia Hardwick
Creede Lambard
Cristy Honles
Crow *
Dagain Revdatter
Dan Ad Nauseam
Daniel Patowski
dave_over *
Dawn Jaekel
Debbie G.
Donovan Ranney *
dormouse *
Eric Gerds
Filkferengi *
France Andrews *
Greg Paddock
Heather Munn
Jane Sather
JEM of Pondside *
JenK *
Jennifer Hardwick
John Caspell *
John Seghers (Skydancer) *
Jovanie Seghers-Narvaez *
Jonathon Lennox
Joshua Kronengold (mnemex) *
Jules Dickinson
Julesong *
K Wiley
Kamilla White
Kat_Merle *
Kathy Mar
Katy Dröge-Macdonald *
Kendaer *
Laura Davidson *
Lauren Schulz
Luis Garcia *
Lynn Gold
Marvin Sikes aka LJ=aekajin2
Maverick Weirdo *
Merav Hoffman
Mevima *
Mike McDermott
Mir *
Mr. Scott
Nucleodemus Hazmat *
Peggy Lunderville *
Peregrine Druid *
Rebecca Newman (Tibicina) *
Rick Weiss *
Runnerwolf *
Sandra Lee
Sar *
Seanan McGuire
Sharleen Lambard
Silver-Rose *
SJ Tucker
Stephen Joel Zeve *
Stephanie Weippert
Steve Macdonald *
Steven Savitzky *
Suzapalooza *
The Evil Twin
Tina Lambard
TJ of Pondside *
Tom Lunderville *
Tony Fabris *
Tricia Crichton *
Vixy *
Zelma *
+8 people below the age of adulthood |
Additionally there are 7 supporting members:
- Harold Stein
- Sharon Allen
- Rita Harlow
- Margaret Middleton
- Jane Garthson
- Debbie Ohi
- Steve Nolan