Alright, I'm a teeny bit biased here. Toyboat let me join them onstage
recently and I had the best fun going, rocking out with their version of a
song I'd not been enjoying in some time.
Well, they made me fall back in love with it. Let me tell you what you'll see
and hear from the outside of a Toyboat concert:
There'll be a lot going on, musically. There's David Stowell aka Raven over on
the keys - Hammond, Rhodes, synth. He's underpinning everything, and his
Serious Musical Face belies the warmth of the man. There's Michael Nixon,
putting twisty lead guitar lines around the rest of the music, and if you get
a compliment to stick to him, you're doing well. Rules are: we all know
Michael IS that good, but he won't have it said... then there's Cathy
McManamon, who'll be at the drums or guitar, and I wish I had as clean a
guitar style as she does. She has a superbly clear and warm voice as well.
Daniel 'gundo' Gunderson will be on the electric guitar, or possibly the
harmonica, drums, piano or mandolin... and if he's not wearing his top hat,
then ask him why not. Yes, do. Then there's Jason Neerenberg, and he's holding
the bass line, and singing harmonies and lead as well (and so do gundo and
That's what you'll see from the outside. What you'll hear is a combination of
the band's own songs and covers from within and without filk, played and sung
with talent and joy.
From the inside, I can tell you that this band is a tight, good-natured,
confident and flexible act, who are comfortable enough in their skills and
their communication to allow the most extraordinary joys to rise out of the
music they make. I have seldom played with a more generous and welcoming group
of musicians, and I commend them to you, to listen to, to meet, to talk with
and swap tunes and tales with.
Grab your seat early and be prepared to leap out of it and dance.
— Talis Kimberley, November 2014