A Bit About Mark Osier — or “Why not to have people at your
bachelor party write your bio.”
By Rene Gobeyn and an impressive cast of colorful characters
Mark Osier has been involved in fandom since Marcon 1991, when he got
dragged kicking and screaming into a filk room where Michael Longcor was
playing Rhinotelexomania. He hasn’t looked back. This is surprising as his
talent for parody is such that his fanclub is often seen attending his
concerts with pitchforks and torches – looking back might let him know how
close they are and how fast to run.
This is not to say that Mark doesn’t have a serious side. His Ph.D. is in
Toxicology and he spends his days working with monkeys (his experience in
fandom helps here). He was inducted into the Dorsai Irregulars in 2003 and
is one of the Duty Officers for Anthrocon (the world’s largest Furry