Chair |
Beth Runnerwolf |
- Norwescon 29 (filk track lead)
- Emerald Forest Filk Society (founder)
- Foolscap I (head of registration)
- Conflikt 1 & 2 (vice chair and programming)
Vice-Chair |
Rick Weiss |
- ConChord 8-11 (con chair)
- LACon 3-4 (Filk Track)
- Conflikt 1 & 2 (con chair)
Publicity |
Brooke Lunderville |
- Conflikt 1 & 2 (publicity)
Hospitality/Songbook |
Cindy Turner (Shaddyr) |
- NonCon 15 (hospitality)
- WriterCon 2004,2006 (head of hospitality)
- V-Con 29 (filk book)
- Conflikt 1 & 2 (hospitality and song book)
Guest Liason/Secretary/Assistant Sound |
Jen Kilmer |
- Conflikt 1 & 2 (assistant sound)
Interfilk Liason |
Juliana McCorison |
- Pondfilk I-VII (organizer)
Programming |
Michelle Dockrey (Vixy) |
- Norwescon 27&28 (filk track lead)
- Conflikt 1 & 2 (secretary)
Membership/Volunteer coordination |
Jeffrey Cornish |
- Norwescon 28 (head of registration)
- Norwescon (registration & member services staff)
- Foolscap 1&2 (registration and hospitality)
- Conflikt 1&2 (membership and volunteer coordination)
Sound & Recording |
John Seghers |
- Sound tech for Gaia Consort
- Conflikt 1&2 (sound & recording)
Webmaster/Treasurer |
JT Traub |
- Norwescon 25 (assistant to head of programming)
- Emerald Forest Filk Society (founder)
- NW Filk mailing list (owner)
- Conflikt 1&2 (webmaster and treasurer)
Hotel Liason |
Stephanie Weippert |
- Sakuracon 1 (Hotel Liason)
- Bakacon 1&2 (hotel liason)
- Conflikt 1&2 (hotel liason)
Assistant Hotel Liason |
Rich Glover |
- Conflikt 1&2 (assistant hotel liason)