Sunday, 16 February 2025
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Brunch Insta-Filks
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Welcome to
Thanks to EVERYONE who helped make Conflikt 1 a success. As the next few days go on, we'll be updating information here with some of the things that came out of the con (such as the winners of the song-writing contest and the list of brunch insta-filks!).

We are busily working on the Conflikt 2 website and will unveil that as soon as possible. This site will remain visible and linked off of that site once it is live.

Our first con was held on the weekend of Jan 25-27th 2008 at the Renton Holiday Inn.

Guest of Honor Steve Macdonald
Interfilk Guest Stephen Joel Zeve and France Andrews
ToastMistress Callie Hills

Special Event:
Saturday morning brunch with the guests. Get to know our GoHs a little better! AND get a unique bonus CD with tracks from Steve Macdonald and Callie Hills.
Song Contest:
Seattle fans are bidding for WorldCon in 2011, and they want a theme song! So they've turned to the fertile & devious imagination of the filk community - that's you! See the Song Contest page for more information!
Plus the usual weekend of music and mayhem
Concert spots, one-shots, workshops and panels, Dealers Room with plenty of filkish things for you to buy, bardic and chaos circles/ovals/rectangles, Dead Something-or-Other Filk, Interfilk Auction, and more!
Interfilk Auction:
Secret Wenches, doing their very best wenching to part you from your money. Their very best is very good!
Holiday Inn Seattle-Renton
One South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057
(425) 226-7700

Rates for Conflikt convention members: $99.00 plus tax for single-quad occupancy.

You must call the hotel directly at (425) 226-7700 (not the Holiday Inn 800 number) to get the group rates.
Online and mail in registrations are now closed. Weekend and day-rate registrations will be available at the door.

Membership rates for the convention are as follows:

  • $40 regular membership at the door
  • Children 12 years and under: free
  • $20 Friday Day badge at the door
  • $30 Saturday Day badge at the door
  • $20 Saturday Concert-only badge at the door
  • $15 Sunday Day badge at the door
If you would like to be notified of changes as they happen, please subscribe to the announcement mailing list by sending an email to

with a subject line of subscribe.

We will use that mailing list to communicate announcements as well as posting updated information here.

© 2006-2008